
CONFIRM Complimentary Ticket

Please complete the form below to confirm the reservation of your Complimentary Tickets for  the 15 Estates Boutique Wine Show.
(These tickets also includes a tasting glass.)

Please note: ONE CODE = One Ticket

Access is limited to 300 visitors per day. Complimentary Tickets are reserved by the team member that invited you, but we need to confirm your attendance to manage access.

Please provide the name of the business or Company your represent
Please provide the Code as stamped on your invitation. One Code = One Ticket.
Please choose ONE DAY for which date you would like to reserve tickets. (Limited access per day) - IF you need to come for a second day, you can reserve tickets for R120pp
Restaurant purchases are for your own account
Accommodation bookings are for your own account
(spa treatments can be reserved for before or after the day's wine tastings - for your own account)
Do you have any questions or information you need us to know?
The South African POPI ACT requires us to request from you to actively consent to us using and capturing your data as stipulated in our PRIVACY POLICY in order to assist you with your query.